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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Q&A: At what point is it appropriate to "exit" a client household from HMIS - upon the provision of final assistance or at a later date? Does HUD require the grantee to track the housing stability of households following the receipt of HPRP assistance?

Grantees and subgrantees should exit a program participant and record a Program Exit Date that coincides with the date the participant is no longer considered a program participant. The exit date may represent the last day a service was provided or the last date of a period of ongoing assistance. Programs should have a clear and consistent procedure for determining when a client who is receiving supportive services is no longer considered a program participant. For example, if a person has been receiving weekly case management as part of a rapid re-housing program and either formally terminates his or her involvement or fails to keep appointments such that the program no longer considers the individual to be a program participant, then the last date of service and exit date may be the date of the last case management session.
For HPRP programs, the Program Exit Date may be the same as the Program Entry Date if participation begins and ends on the same day (e.g., in the case of a one-time payment for arrears, a security deposit, or one month of rental assistance). For a program participant receiving ongoing assistance for two or more consecutive months, the Program Exit Date should be equivalent to the last day of the last month for which the rental assistance payment applies.
HUD does not require follow-up reporting on housing stability. The housing status identified at program exit should be the agency’s best assessment of the household’s near-term stability as of the time of exit.

Please note that the CT HPRP administered through DSS is tracking housing stability.

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